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What do I do if my Scooter doesn't move with the key switched on?
There are several possibilities for this fault. First of all, please check the following: Make sure that there is sufficient power in the batteries and ensure that the charging cable is not connected to the charging socket when in use. If the fault is not the above, it may be one of the following issues: The circuit breaker may have tripped or the main fuses have blown, one of the plugs at the controller is loose, the key switch may be broken, the throttle or speed control potentiometer has broken or the tiller head loom is not connected or loose. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why does my Scooter have reduced power, limited speed and range?
Ensure that you charge the batteries for a sufficient period of time to ensure that the batteries are at full capacity. If your scooter still doesn't operate as expected then one of the following issues might be your problem. One or both batteries need replacement. The battery charger might be faulty; therefore the batteries are not receiving a full charge. The cable connectors are not making proper contact. Connections at the battery terminals may be corroded. The circuit breaker may have tripped or the battery charger fuse has blown. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why does my Scooter have reduced/no power in forward or reverse?
There may be a few reasons for experiencing no power or reduced power on your scooter whilst driving forward or reversing. The throttle control lever may have slipped on the potentiometer shaft and is not fully rotating. The throttle or speed potentiometer is broken. The throttle lever is not centred on the potentiometer shaft. The acceleration settings in the controller may need re-setting (digital controllers only). The motor may not be receiving full voltage, or the motor may be damaged. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why am I experiencing erratic throttle control and my Scooter hesitates whilst in forward or reverse?
If you are experiencing erratic throttle control, your scooter may have a faulty throttle potentiometer. The connection to your motor may be loose. The battery terminal connection may be loose or corroded. The carbon brushes or brush springs in the motor may be worn. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why does the horn sound when I apply the throttle?
If your horn sounds whilst applying the throttle, you may be experiencing one of the following issues: Low battery voltage, a fault in the tiller head or some moisture in the tiller head. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
What causes my Scooter to suddenly stop while in motion and engage the brakes immediately?
If your scooter suddenly stops, you may be experiencing one of the following issues: A broken contact at the key switch. The circuit breaker may have tripped. The connection in the loom assembly has broken. The fuse in the tiller head has blown. Lost connection to relay or the relay has broken. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
What is causing my Scooter to brake slowly and slip on slopes?
If your scooter is experiencing reduced braking power, one of the following is most likely to be the issue: The brake has worn. The brake spring has worn. The deceleration setting needs adjusting (digital controllers only). The throttle control potentiometer is not centred. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why doesn't my Scooter move when the motor is running?
If your scooter is in 'freewheel' mode, it will not move by using the throttle. Check that the free-wheel lever has not been activated. If the scooter has recently been in free-wheel mode, ensure that the lever has been fully re-engaged. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why is there excessive noise coming from my Scooter's transaxle/gearbox?
If you hear excessive noise from the transaxle/gearbox, you may be experiencing one of the following issues: The gear lubricant is not reaching parts of the transaxle. The wheel axle bearings have been contaminated or worn. There is a bad mounting between the motor and the gearbox. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
Why does my Scooter pull to one side?
If you feel that your scooter is pulling to one side, you may be experiencing one of the following issues: There is uneven tyre pressure in one of the front wheels. There has been excessive wear on one of the front tyres. The front wheels are out of alignment. The ball joints have been worn or excessive play in the steering linkage. The wheel bearings have been worn. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.
What should I do if my Scooter's batteries aren't charging/holding charge?
If you experience any problems whilst charging your scooter's batteries (whether they don't charge at all or they don't hold the charge), you may be experiencing one of the following issues: The battery voltage is too low. Your charging cable is faulty. The charger is not working. The charging circuitry within the main controller is faulty. Please contact your local Roma Medical dealer for a diagnosis.